The Connolly Youth Movement is shocked to see the video footage of a police officer kneeling on an innocent man and choking him to death while he called for help. This is a tragedy, but it is no accident. It is part of the law enforcement and justice system in the United States, which dates back to slavery. It has maintained this system, and ethnic minorities are imprisoned and murdered in wild disproportion to population amounts. We stand in solidarity and send our deepest condolences to the friends and family of George Floyd. We express our solidarity with the protestors, who have no means to express themselves, other than the destruction of the institutions that oppress and murder them.
We hope that those who riot, protest, and demonstrate continue to do so and send our love and solidarity to the other side of the Atlantic. If Ireland was truly liberated from imperialism, the US ambassador would have been expelled a long time ago.
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” – Karl Marx
General Secretary,
May 2020