Vote Left, Transfer Left?

On May Day, People Before Profit released a statement encouraging people to adopt the slogan of “Vote Left, Transfer Left”, as used in the 2020 general election. In 2020 this saw voters transferring between Sinn Féin, the Green Party, People Before Profit, Social Democrats, and independents. However, given that the Green Party subsequently went into … Read more

The View from Inside Free Trinity

You can hear the chanting from the top of Westmoreland St, the activists taking shifts sitting in the windows of the SU offices in House 6, and waving both Palestinian and Irish flags. There is always at least a handful of people watching and joining the chants from the paths below. From the Pearse St … Read more

Baby wipes and ethnic cleansing

An aerial view of Isdud, pre-1935.

Lupilu baby wipes have become the target of a nationwide campaign, as part of the broader BDS movement targetting Israeli goods. As the campaign escalates, it is worth looking back at the history of the land on which they are produced to understand why they are an important target of the BDS movement in Ireland. … Read more

BDS activists win big in West Belfast

Two of the main consumer boycott targets of the international BDS Movement, Sabra Hummus and SodaStream have also been major local targets for Palestine solidarity activists in Belfast. It seems this targeted pressure campaign has begun to pay off, with Sabra and SodaStream products notably missing from their spots on the shelves in the Kennedy … Read more

The Irish government supports Israel

Despite the posturing of Irish politicians about how the Irish people support Palestine, these same politicians have done nothing to reflect this overwhelming support. Instead, they have done the opposite. Almost any time Irish politicians have commented on the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, they have opened with a condemnation of the resistance. Even when Micheál … Read more

Statement on the results of the Family and Care referenda

As the results of the Family and Care referendums are announced, a clear No-No result has emerged. The weaknesses of the proposed amendments have already been laid out in a previous statement, but the process of the referendum has exposed serious weaknesses in the Irish left’s approach to the growing threat of the far-right. From … Read more

Statement from the Palestinian Communist Party on the ongoing genocide in Gaza

This statement was originally released by the Central Committee of the Palestinian Communist Party on 03/04/2024, and is republished here with their permission. The escalation of the occupier’s massacres against our people in the Gaza Strip, along with their policy of starvation and siege, continues unabated. The most recent atrocity, the Wheat Massacre in northern Gaza, … Read more

CYM Wexford host succesful housing rally

On Saturday 17 March, the Wexford cumann of the Connolly Youth Movement organised a successful rally, in the Bullring – Wexford’s town centre. The rally saw a wide and enthusiastic attendance and got an engaging response from locals. Leaflets were distributed that laid out our organisation’s position and countered far-right, and liberal lies about the … Read more