Britain preparing for war ‘in three years’

The new Chief of the British Army – Roland Walker – announced that Britain must be prepared to “fight a war in three years”. The anticipated war will largely be directed against Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, whom George Robertson – former General Secretary of NATO – described as a “deadly quartet” in recent … Read more

Invisible Comrades: Gays and lesbians in the struggle

This article was originally written in 1991 by Brendí McClenaghan, a republican prisoner then interned in Long Kesh. It was published in the Winter 1991 edition of ‘An Glór Gafa’ (‘The Captive Voice’), a magazine written by prisoners. McClenaghan came out publicly while in prison, and his article was significant in giving voice to an … Read more

The last thing we should do

On 4 July, an article was published in Socialist Voice arguing that Irish communists should unconditionally support Sinn Féin with no red lines. It even goes as far as to state explictly that “if they utter a coalition with FF, let that not dissuade us from voting them. If they fail to denounce the EU, … Read more

The View from Inside Free Trinity

You can hear the chanting from the top of Westmoreland St, the activists taking shifts sitting in the windows of the SU offices in House 6, and waving both Palestinian and Irish flags. There is always at least a handful of people watching and joining the chants from the paths below. From the Pearse St … Read more

The Irish government supports Israel

Despite the posturing of Irish politicians about how the Irish people support Palestine, these same politicians have done nothing to reflect this overwhelming support. Instead, they have done the opposite. Almost any time Irish politicians have commented on the ongoing genocide against Palestinians, they have opened with a condemnation of the resistance. Even when Micheál … Read more

Young people give their experiences with the PSNI

Over the last number of months the Connolly Youth Movement has been highlighting that the PSNI is not a force safe for young people; as seen with the fact that it strip-searched 27 teenagers in 2022 – in violation of its own procedures, and the dignity and rights of young people. As part of this … Read more

The Decolonial Project and Our Role in It

The first free Irish person will not be born, they will be formed in the national and class struggle that we as socialist-republicans have committed ourselves to.  We face ahead of us a seemingly insurmountable foe. The occupation of our island, the exploitation of the working people of Ireland, and the subjugation of our national … Read more

The Irish Unification of 2024?

As Stormont returns to normal operations after being collapsed for nearly two years, it has furthered the ever-present discussion on Irish unity. The restoration of “power-sharing” will see the north have its first First Minister from a nationalist background. This of course has sparked discussion on the future of the statelet, bearing in mind that … Read more

The Free State on a war footing

As was feared and predicted, the report of the Consultative Forum on International Security Policy has been an excuse for the state to shed the Triple Lock and further erode Irish neutrality. The Triple Lock – itself a compromise that does not preclude Irish involvement in foreign interventions and occupations – is merely a legalistic in nature. And yet even this must … Read more


A recent investigation by the BBC has revealed over 150 reports of police officers misusing body cameras in England and Wales. While a substantial number of incidents involve police turning off their cameras or deleting footage of themselves being violent, other cases involve police officers sharing images of vulnerable people amongst themselves on social media. … Read more