British capitalism attempts to wipe Grenfell from memory

Almost 8 years ago, on 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the Grenfell Tower apartment block. This tragedy took the lives of 72 men, women and children, the youngest of whom was the 6 month old Leena Belkadi who died in her mother’s arms while she was attempting to escape the inferno that […]

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The Irish Unification of 2024?

As Stormont returns to normal operations after being collapsed for nearly two years, it has furthered the ever-present discussion on Irish unity. The restoration of “power-sharing” will see the north have its first First Minister from a nationalist background. This of course has sparked discussion on the future of the statelet, bearing in mind that

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The Student Strike That Changed British Education Forever

On the first of April, 66 of the 72 attending students they began what would be the longest strike ever for the reinstatement of their teachers. The school carried on for the striking children, for a ‘strike school’ was set up by Kitty in front of the school and teaching carried on as usual, with the National Union of Teachers funding her. The ruling-class and the church reacted quickly, fining those parents who didn’t send their children to the official school, and evicting people that helped the striking families out of their houses and off of their glebe land.

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