Beholden to Capital

Recent events in Tallaght during the snow storm brought out the good, the bad and the ugly in social commentary but most notably it demonstrates how a distinct sense of economic morality predominates; demonizing one end of society while avoiding discussion of white collar crime by those with systemic protection. Commentators such as Frankie Gaffney, … Read more

Capitalism and the Environment

In our modern era, an environmentally friendly society and capitalism are inherently incompatible. In this increasingly consumerist society, the expansion of capital requires extensive exploitation of the Earth’s natural resources. We see in many countries around the world today that multinational corporations continue to devastate the natural environment and abuse the indigenous populations in a … Read more

A Response to a UCC Historical Society Event in 2016

FT, Corcaigh There is a paradigm shift being promoted in Ireland today – but by whose hand and in whose interest? Organised labour with a shared national identity and a pool of democratic heroes and martyrs to draw from to inspire their contemporary struggles is difficult to subjugate, divide or to be utilized in the … Read more

Monopolized prescription drugs and the Irish government: Healthcare’s hidden crisis

FT, Corcaigh When I was growing up in Ireland in the 2000s, the trolley crisis permeated national discourse at multiple levels. The media was saturated with horror stories of patients consigned to languish in crowded hallways in wretched conditions. Consultants were paid extortionate fees for dubious contribution. A two tier system created odious waiting lists … Read more

A New Revolutionary Medicine

FT, Corcaigh Private profit-driven healthcare has been a longstanding pillar of the neo-liberal philosophy. Wherever the public health is universally guaranteed, it seeks to fundamentally undermine and alter the principles and motives by which it operates – the final goal being the continued spread of the ubiquitous creed that greed is good and the axiom … Read more

Scabtran: A Symptom Of A Failing System

With the rise of the gig economy, call center work has quickly risen as a cornerstone industry in cities across Ireland. In Cork, the local branch of the CYM recently started a campaign to highlight the stressful conditions that workers face everyday. The Facebook page, Scabtran, had gained around 700 followers in the first handful … Read more

End of Year Report

The past year has been one of growth and new energy for the Connolly Youth Movement, as events and successes set a confidently growing momentum. A new branch has come into being in Mullingar and membership has increased all over the six counties with potential new branches in Ballymena and Newcastle, showing the appeal for … Read more

1917 Lives

“We have the right to be proud that to us fell the good fortune of beginning the building of the Soviet State and, by doing so, opening a new chapter in the history of the world” – Vladimir Lenin The foundations of the world, of Empire and of colony trembled underneath the march of the … Read more

Histories of a Revolution

On the eve of the anniversary of the centenary of the Russian Revolution, the history of that revolution and the development of the Soviet Union remain crucial flashpoints in our ideological battle. To understand the significance of this battle, we must not only revisit and retell our history, we must also ask how that history … Read more

Our Republic is the People’s Republic: Ireland’s second revolution

FT, Corcaigh As centenaries peeter out around us in a stagnant politics beset by reactionary forces, we are faced with the burden of two unrealised legacies. Both bear an identical promise which has been obscured beneath the weight of decades of historical revisionism and the murk of societies which have been constructed in the interests … Read more