PSNI ignored rules when strip-searching children

Police in the six counties “appeared to ignore the rules” when strip-searching children. This is according to a report carried out by the Policing Board, released 27 June. During 2022, the PSNI strip-searched 27 teenaged children. While police argued that all of these cases were “justified”, 25 found nothing.  Of the children strip-searched, the youngest … Read more

Iceland workers vote to begin strike action

Members of the Independent Workers’ Union employed in four Iceland stores, have announced that they will be taking strike action starting Friday, 19 May. Strike notice was served to Homesavers, Iceland’s parent company after ballots in stores in Ballyfermot, Coolock, Tallaght, and Northside Shopping centre. The ballots returned 100 per cent agreement among IWU members … Read more

Connolly Youth Movement Marches for May Day

Connolly Youth Movement members across Ireland marched in celebration of International Workers’ Day last weekend. Marches in Belfast, Cork, and Dublin were led by CYM activists, who dedicated the marches’ messages to the continued struggles of oppressed peoples around the world. “We express our messages of continued solidarity with the oppressed people across the world, … Read more

CYM holds first public Easter Rising commemoration

A CYM colour party stands to attention at the Rising memiral at Arbor Hill

The Connolly Youth Movement held its first public Easter Rising commemoration on Sunday 23 April. It was the third independent commemoration that the organisation has hosted. The commemoration, the first open to the public, was attended by representatives of Lasair Dhearg and the Irish Communist Party. Members of the public were also in attendance. The … Read more

Finland joins NATO, further expanding imperialist bloc

Finland has joined the imperialist bloc NATO. The news came at the end of March, as Turkey voted to ratify Finland’s accession to NATO. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish president, initially blocked Finland’s accession to NATO, citing concerns relating to support for supposed terrorist organisations and issues regarding trade relations. The groups in question include … Read more