With Simon Harris calling an election for 29th November, the Irish working class is faced with the prospect of another five years of Fine Gael / Fianna Fáil / Green Party coalition. This government, which has relentlessly carried on the torch of neoliberalism, overseeing a housing crisis and allowing the unfettered growth of a native far-right, is placed to emerge from this election with the mandate for a further term.
Yet the record of these three parties demonstrates a catastrophic term for the working class and youth of the 26 counties. With rents and homelessness still soaring, the coalition has made it clear that they have no intention in solving or even alleviating the housing crisis. They have continued the gutting of what public services remain. Not openly privatising, instead they prefer to facilitate the gradual deterioration of public service provision, as well as workers’ terms and conditions, through outsourcing to private companies, funnelling public funds into the hands of monopoly capitalists.
All the while the coalition has reneged on their environmental promises, using the Green Party as their willing bulwark for their “greenwashing”. Data centres for tech mulitinationals take up an ever increasing portion of our electricity supply, our rivers have become ecologically barren, and public transport remains chronically underfunded.
Despite the multitude of crises facing the South, the coalition has made militarism their priority. The war in Ukraine has been used as an excuse to bring the 26 Counties fully into the fold of the NATO military bloc. What remained of the State’s “neutrality” is being intentionally torn down, as the government prepares for the interests of Ireland’s capitalist class, and those of their US/EU allies, to be defended in the context of heightening imperialist tensions.
On the other hand, Sinn Féin, the official “opposition”, has been completely outmanoeuvred by the government parties. Despite its numerous overtures to Irish capitalists and its rightward ideological gestures, SF has not only succeeded in losing all credibility with the working class, but has also lost its shot at the Fianna Fáil coalition it has been angling for these last five years. The working class has correctly identified the shallow opportunism of SF; its pro-business assertions, the unbridled support for the EU through the dropping of its objection to PESCO and NATO, and of course their two-faced “support” for the Palestinian struggle – denouncing the Palestinians acts of resistance, while accepting invitations to the White House. This is not to mention the Party’s recent failures in safeguarding vulnerable people from their own representatives.
These developments do not represent a change in the nature of SF. Their record in Stormont is testament enough to the interests that they represent, where they have willingly and openly carried out the neoliberal austerity of the Tory, and now Labour, governments in Westminster.
The Social Democrats likewise have refused to rule out entering a coalition with FG and FF, while Labour would naturally resume its role in a neoliberal coalition without hesitation.
With lackluster opposition like this is it any wonder we are seeing an increase in support for fascist and far right parties and independents in working class communities?
The housing crisis manufactured by the capitalist class for their own profits has laid the foundation for the far right to grow in ireland
Likewise Sinn Féin’s rightward shift and the failure to build a movement opposing these neoliberal policies has left a vacuum in our communities. Where has the energy of movements such as the Right2Water campaign gone? It has been allowed to dissipate and far right agitators have taken the opportunity to recruit in their wake.
Despite the assertions of the media as to the popularity of the coalition and its leadership, the government does not have popular support. Young and working people are well aware that it is not their interests that these parties represent in the Houses of the Oireachtas. The government in a capitalist Ireland will never represent their interests. “Democracy for an insignificant minority, democracy for the rich — that is the democracy of capitalist society” rings as true as ever in a Dáil full of landlords. The problems of the youth and working class will never be solved by a capitalist government, nor can the institutions of capitalism be used to serve their interests. Our only solution is socialism, where democracy is not simply the twice decade farce of choosing your preference of shade of capitalist party, but rather a revolutionary function imbedded throughout society, from the workplace to the community.
We know that regardless of whether it is the coalition that emerges victorious, or a SF “left” government, the fundamental character of capitalist government in the 26 counties will not change. However, we would ask those that are going to vote to consider those candidates, such as Clare Daly, that:
- Have a proven track record of fighting for the interests of workers and young people.
- Are anti-imperialist, against militarism and fascism.
- Will not join a bourgeois coalition government.
- Will not work with or support other parties or candidates which go against the above.
However, the only way that real change, socialist revolution, will be achieved, will be through the organised action of the working class and the youth. If you are a young person from the ages of 16-29 and want to achieve that change – Join the CYM.
Ard Chomhairle
Connolly Youth Movement