The Irish Unification of 2024?

As Stormont returns to normal operations after being collapsed for nearly two years, it has furthered the ever-present discussion on Irish unity. The restoration of “power-sharing” will see the north have its first First Minister from a nationalist background. This of course has sparked discussion on the future of the statelet, bearing in mind that … Read more

Double Standards on Detention: Belarus and Ireland

What should be bizarre to any political commentator or follower in Ireland is why elected representatives here have little to nothing to say about the Special Criminal Court. Why do they not reach out to Republican political prisoners convicted under questionable standards and attempt to help them? I think that the answer is relatively simple. Maintaining double standards is a regular theme among representatives of the ruling class, so whilst many of our own elected representatives have a lot to say about what is happening in Belarus and the justice system there, they remain silent about events here.

An Argument for Socialist-Republicanism

“In Ireland, one cannot have socialism without republicanism. The socialist-republican cause is both the cause of labour and the cause of country. The liberation of the working people of this Island can only be achieved through anti-imperialism and active class struggle. But first we must analyse what is to be done, understand the flaws in non-republican socialism and pseudo-republicanism.”

Europe is the Final Nail for Irish Farmers

If we oppose the destruction of the Amazon, how can we support an institution like the EU, that is able to encourage it’s destruction whilst giving the impression that it is eco-friendly. This will only continue the narrative that China, India or the global south are massive polluters and need to become more green like Europe. We are simply exporting the climate guilt of European people and placing it upon post-colonial nations.

Supermac’s – The Myth of Capitalist Innovation

Part of their strategy is to donate some of their super profits to charity or to sporting organisations such as the GAA. They do this for local and political clout, to be seen as ‘benevolent capitalists’ and obscure the fundamental social relation of production: workers create all of the wealth and have to sell their labour power (time) to employers to get by, while Pat McDonagh lives opulently, holidays and expands his capital in every direction using the wealth he has stolen from his workers.