15th Congress of the South African Communist Party elects new General Secretary

At the 15th Congress of the SACP, Solly Mapila (cover image left) was chosen by the membership to serve as the party’s new General Secretary. The CYM sent the following message to the party to congratulate them on this momentous occasion:


The Connolly Youth Movement would like to extend our warmest fraternal regards to the South African Communist Party, as you embark on your 15th Annual Congress, marking a truly unrivalled 101 years of unbroken struggle.

The young communists of Ireland greatly admire your historic massive contribution to the ending of decades of white minority rule, and your current and constant efforts for justice and liberty against the persisting subordination of South Africa to the status of a semiperipheral nation within an imperialist-dominated global system. Those of us in the occupied North of Ireland will never forget the historic solidarity our people shared as we continue to fight for true liberation from the grip of imperialism.

We look forward to seeing what the future will bring for the SACP. We hope that you will continue to stand resolute and principled, while others shy away from their duty and succumb to counter revolutionary opportunism and cynicism. The CYM would greatly relish the opportunity to learn all we can from you and what lessons can be applied in the Irish context.

Yours in Solidarity,

The International Office of the Connolly Youth Movement


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