CYM holds first public Easter Rising commemoration

A CYM colour party stands to attention at the Rising memiral at Arbor Hill

The Connolly Youth Movement held its first public Easter Rising commemoration on Sunday 23 April. It was the third independent commemoration that the organisation has hosted. The commemoration, the first open to the public, was attended by representatives of Lasair Dhearg and the Irish Communist Party. Members of the public were also in attendance. The … Read more

Statement calling for the release of Palestinian prisoners

The Connolly Youth Movement is proud to add it’s signature to the following statement. Freedom for Palestinian political prisoners and for the internationalist fighters: Illich Ramirez Sanchez and George Ibrahim Abdallah! The undersigned Communist and Workers Parties, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners (April 17), express their solidarity with … Read more

Statement of the Connolly Youth Movement on the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement

ENGLISH | ESPAÑOL | PORTUGUÊS | РУССКИЙ | اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ‎ [EN] Connolly Youth Movement Statement 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement: “For Peace, Against the Process” Twenty-five years ago today, the Belfast / Good Friday Agreement, was signed by the major political parties of the six counties. This agreement, which was later approved by referendum … Read more

Finland joins NATO, further expanding imperialist bloc

Finland has joined the imperialist bloc NATO. The news came at the end of March, as Turkey voted to ratify Finland’s accession to NATO. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish president, initially blocked Finland’s accession to NATO, citing concerns relating to support for supposed terrorist organisations and issues regarding trade relations. The groups in question include … Read more

Cargotech workers strike in dundalk

Workers on strike at the Cargotech factory in Dundalk

Recently, forklift manufacturing firm Cargotech – based in Dundalk – moved 40 of its workers to another company For Surface Protection. The move to FSP was done without consultation with the workers’ union, Unite, and Cargotech have refused to engage with them about the move. The workers, backed by Unite, have engaged in strike action … Read more

Eamonn Ryan and disconnection from the masses

Recently, Green Party leader Eamonn Ryan made a statement saying the allowance of free public transport would lead to “reductions in active travel and an increased level of unnecessary trips.” It comes as no surprise that the leader of the Green Party, in their disconnect from the masses, believes that a nation experiencing a serious … Read more