Technological advancement under capitalism is being hamstrung by imperialist monopoly

Last month, the US House of Representatives introduced the Semiconductor Technology Advancement and Research (STAR) Act, 2024. The legislation represents the latest attempt by US officials to rescue their chip manufacturing industry and compete with China. The act introduces a 25% tax relief for companies engaging in chip design in the US.  The chip manufacturing … Read more

Contradictions Collapse

The consequences of American political economy have reached their long-awaited climax. The majority of its inhabitants, left abandoned in the face of an anonymous power structure, have succumbed to widespread social inertia. For most this economic freak show and political mayhem are made intentionally incomprehensible, and so, with clarity abandoned, the much-needed questions and answers are left to drift in the forbidden void now classified as political discourse.

Fascism and the Fall of Roe v. Wade

OAP, Béal Feirste In ‘The Fascist Offensive’, Georgi Dimitrov lays out clearly what fascism is and how it operates. He writes; Fascism is the power of finance capital itself… The development of fascism, and the fascist dictatorship itself, assume different forms in different countries, according to historical, social and economic conditions and to the national … Read more

It’s the Wrong Uncle Joe in the White House

Contrary to widespread belief and misinformation from the far right, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are neither left wing nor communists, in fact, they are politically and economically identical to their Republican counterpart. They simply wrap themselves in the flag of social justice and smile at you while they deprive you or drone strike villages in the Middle East.