Finland joins NATO, further expanding imperialist bloc

Finland has joined the imperialist bloc NATO. The news came at the end of March, as Turkey voted to ratify Finland’s accession to NATO. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish president, initially blocked Finland’s accession to NATO, citing concerns relating to support for supposed terrorist organisations and issues regarding trade relations. The groups in question include … Read more

WOONOPSTAND: A Firsthand Account of Police Violence

he Connolly Youth Movement was represented on October 17th 2021 at the WOONOPSTAND (Housing Uprising) in Rotterdam, in arms with the Communist Youth Movement of the Netherlands (CJB). Over 8,000 people were present in a peaceful protest and march through Rotterdam, to highlight and challenge the crisis which has left hundreds of students in Dutch cities living in large emergency tents.

Double Standards on Detention: Belarus and Ireland

What should be bizarre to any political commentator or follower in Ireland is why elected representatives here have little to nothing to say about the Special Criminal Court. Why do they not reach out to Republican political prisoners convicted under questionable standards and attempt to help them? I think that the answer is relatively simple. Maintaining double standards is a regular theme among representatives of the ruling class, so whilst many of our own elected representatives have a lot to say about what is happening in Belarus and the justice system there, they remain silent about events here.

Boycott Puma; Boycott Israeli Apartheid

“We encourage fans of local clubs to support the BDS call and boycott any of the clubs merchandise which is sponsored or supplied by Puma to put pressure on their local clubs to cut ties with the Israeli apartheid. It is the least we can do while the Israeli occupation and slaughter continues in Palestine, even when it is not reported by the news.”

Letters from Afar: An Interview with Anakbayan

“Anakbayan (Children of the People) is the comprehensive national-democratic mass organisation of the Filipino youth, organising from all different sectors of the youth, from the communities, students, workers, women, LGBTQ+, national minorities and all other concentrations of youth in the Philippines. It is one of the most steadfast organisations in waging forward the national democratic struggle of the Filipino people against US imperialism and domestic feudalism… Its role in the national-democratic struggle is an important one because without a comprehensive youth organisation, the struggle would die out as there would be no new blood there to carry out its tasks towards its victory.”