Liam Mellows Speeches in America

Flag of the Irish Republic

Liam Mellows, organiser, republican and revolutionary. He is remembered for is role as a Fianna Éireann organiser and for his rejection of the Treaty, occupation of the Four Courts and subsequent execution by the Free State. Excerpts of his speeches portray the true relationship between America and Ireland.

What Actually was a Gulag? – Call of Duty’s 2020 Red Scare

The Soviets are frequently represented in fiction as comically excessive villains. The gulag is held up as the pinnacle of this malevolence, but is this focus on demonising socialist states a way for developers to avoid more relevant social criticism at home?

How the Welfare State Neutered Revolution in Europe

Faced with the establishment of workers’ democracy across the globe, alongside growing socialist movements in their own countries, the West took drastic measures. It redistributed a tiny portion of its super-profits, amassed through bloody imperialist exploitation, to smother the class interests of the Western working class with moderate material concessions.