Name & Shame – The Companies Who Fired Their Staff During a Pandemic *UPDATED 13.04*

Working document built by reports from former staff. Please email or DM your own situation and let’s hold them accountable. @ConnollyYM

Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, Dublin
All workers
Part time workers given no hours before closures for 1-2 weeks
€20m profits last year in venue alone (according to staff).
Owned by LRC/Amaris Group, an Israeli property group, opperating acrocss Europe. Last year they bought 600 buy-to-let homes across Dublin, Cork and Galway from a US private equity fund. Along with 19 apartments in Stillorgan, this January, for €1.3m under the guide price.

Paddy Power / Betfair
No promise of jobs to return to.
Parent company, Flutter Entertainment, had net income of £111.9m in 2019.
CEO is British businessman, Peter Jackson, est annual pay of $2.1m. Recieved a bonus of up to £1.32m in 2018.

Panda Waste
Cut wages of remaining workers, 10-20%. When workers complained, they were told they could be easily replaced, according to a report from staff.
Refuses to invest in equipment to allow remaining 30+ commercial staff work from home.
Owned by Eamon Waters, est net worth of £7.6m.

Atlantic Language, Dublin & Galway (Education)
All teaching staff. Management used to run online courses.
They’ve also refused to refund student course fees, according to former staff.

Jump Zone, Dublin
No warning, no help or information, workers told via email.
Some are still on zero hour contracts.
Opened 2 new venues in the past 18 months. Owned by Paul Quinn.

Jackpotts Bingo, Dublin
Told workers via a group chat
Opperated by Capital Entertainment & Leisure which is owned Wil Byrne (Wil is the Principal and Managing Director of Wilton Capital, a gaming, real-estate and private equity firm based in both Dublin and Chicago. Wil played a leading role in the €9bn flotation of eircom and the €4.5bn sale of eircell to Vodafone.) and Iain Finnegan (Iain is routinely involved in large scale real-estate transactions acting for high profile private clients and investment funds and has been involved in over €1bn of transactions in recent years.).

IMC Cinemas
Workers told via email, addressed ‘Dear Employee’.
2019 Profits exceed €10m.

Ryanair (office workers)
Workers promised half pay until May, this was taken back and many told there would be no job for them from the end of March,

The Key Collections, Dublin (Hospitality)
est 300 Workers – Management excluded
Profits of €1.2m in 2017. In addition, The Key Collections manages and operates a number of apartment blocks including the IFSC Dublin City apartments, Jervis apartments, and Dorset Street apartments, all of which are located in Dublin.

Workers told on the day.
Company refused to apply for gov subsidy scheme for supported paid leave, even though the UK wing has done, forcing staff onto lower emergency public funds – according to staff.
2016 revenue in Ireland, €181m. Underlying profit of £33.2m in the UK. Total revenue of £2.2bn in 2018.
Owned by Celine Uk Newco 1 Limited. Debenhams CEO Stefaan Vansteenkiste left the job on March 12th, less than a year after starting.

The Moriarty Group (The Court Yard Hotel, Kildare. The Bracken Court Hotel, Dublin)
Owned by former Fianna Fáil candidate, Luke Moriarty.
Also owns SuperValu supermarkets, in Balbriggan, Skerries and Palmerstown.
No pay, staff were told to apply for Supervalu jobs.

Iconic Media Group (Donegal Democrat, Kilkenny People, Leinster Leader, Leinster Express, Limerick Leader, Longford Leader, The Nationalist, Tipperary Star, Tullamore Tribune and the Midland Tribune)
Owned by British Businessman net worth of £1.7m Malcolm Denmark.
Former managing director is FF TD Joe Flaherty.

Keywords International LTD, Dublin
No pay, two day notice.
65% rise in adjusted pre-tax profit to €37.9m in 2018

Menzies Aviation, Dublin
Sent letters to all staff (except management) (17,500 fired in the UK)
Operating profits 2018 of £55.1m. CEO, Giles Wilson, is on est £961,000 pa.

40k workers across Ireland and the UK
Suggested staff apply for jobs in Tesco.
CEO John Hutson is paid over €1m a year. Chairperson, Tim Martin (Timothy Randall Martin) has accrued a tidy estimated net wealth of almost £500m. Operating Profit was up by 20.6 per cent to £76.6 million in 2018.

SEDA College, Dublin
All teachers, no pay
One of the biggest language schools in Ireland. Estimated Annual Revenue $5.9m.

The English Studio, Dublin
All fixed term contracts
David Andrews became Director across Ireland & the UK when his company, Lioncourt Investments, acquired the studios. He also owns USIT Travel, Budget School and Group Tours.

N7 Maxol, Kildare
3+ Workers
Owned by Jason and Rachel McMullen’s, ‘Forecourts’, who operate Maxol, had a pretax profit for 2018 of more than €15 million. €37m invested in refurbishments in 2019.

Paragon Executive Intelligence, Dublin (Recruitment)
4+ Workers
No warning, no pay
Founded by Colin McGhee, the business specialises in hedge fund, banking, wealth and asset management.

Specsavers, Dublin
Cut from April, no guaranteed pay but still expected to be called in.
Specsavers’ overall global revenue rose to £2.61bn, including total UK revenue of £1.39bn, in the financial year ended February 2018. The multiple has published its annual review for 2017–18, which reveals a 7% increase in overall global revenue when compared to 2016–17.

Dollard & Co, Dublin
Up to 20 workers
Told the day of their last shift, no pay
Owned/Operated by Paddy McKillen jnr’s Press Up group / Orsen Ltd, which made an operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.

Crumlin Road Gaol, Belfast
Temporary lay off for some staff, but others have just been sacked.
The Tourism NI Quality Grading Scheme gave Crumlin Road Gaol a 5 star accreditation in 2017.

Smartling Inc, Dublin (software company)
20 Workers, no notice
US firm with an estimated Annual Revenue of $35M.

Carphone Warehouse, Belfast
2,900 across the UK
Dixons Carphone revenues expected to rise to £10.6bn in 2019. Dixons Carphone Ireland’s combined profits for the year jumped by 61% to €4.6m.

Kane Group (The Spaniard, Muriel’s Cafe Bar, Pablos, Panama City Garden Cafe, The Jeggy Nettle and The Chester Bar), Belfast
90 Workers
Kane Group Building Services saw pre-tax profits treble to £2.97m during the 12 months to March 31 2019.

O’Neills Irish International Sports Company Ltd, Strabane
750 Workers
Shareholder funds totalled £10.7 million and its cash pile increased from £993,748 to £4.8 million in 2019.

Press Up Entertainment Group (Office Staff)
Owned/Operated by Paddy McKillen jnr’s Press Up group / Orsen Ltd, which made an operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.

City Wonders ltd, Dublin
Dozens of staff, told on the day
Operates more than 150 tours across 9 major European cities. As of 2017, City Wonders had the number 1 booked tour in the world on TripAdvisor. Revenue €50 – €100m per year.

Skechers Ireland (Retail)
300 Workers, not permitted to use holiday pay.
Haven’t responded to staff emails.
Threatened staff if they told anyone about their situation.
For revenue, Skechers expected to bring in $1.1 billion to $1.125 billion in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Jurys Inn
All part time and flexitime workers, some full time staff
Swedish & Israeli groups bought the hotel portfolio in 2017 for €908m. CEO of the Israeli group, David Fattal, posted a notice before the sacking quoting Churchill, ‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty’. He owns 190 hotels and the Fattal Hotels Group’s operating profit in the first nine months of 2018 was up 31.7% to €83m.

Magee 1866, Donegal & Dublin (retail)
50-70 Workers
‘Many have been with the company for 40+ years’
Told via WhatsApp and emails
In 2017 accumulated profits at the firm climbed to €6.7m. Directors pay in the same year was €282,812.

Knightsbrook Hotel, Meath
Most staff ‘apart from managers’
Some told hours beforehand
Cusack Hotel Group also own Castle Arch Hotel, Ardboyne Hotel and Newgrange Hotel, all Meath.

Carey’s Amusements, Donegal
All staff sacked, told a day beforehand
Included a link to a HSE tweet about the pandemic in their notice.

Guinness Storehouse, Dublin
Temporary contracts
In 2019, Diageo operation profit rose to €4.48bn.
On March 17th Guinness announced a €1.5m donation, but to businesses affected by the pandemic.

AVIS, Belfast Airport
4 Workers, told via a phone call
Avis Budget Group has spent 22 years on the Fortune 500 list. 2019 TTM Revenue $9.17bn. Net Worth of CEO Shon Larry D De is at least $13.1m.

RKD Floral Displays, Kildare
Owned by Ray Dowling snr and family. According to former staff, ‘there has been no drop in work’.

Waterford Castle Hotel & Golf Resort, Waterford
100+ Workers
Told via a note attached to a final payslip
Venue bought by South Kilkenny businessman Seamus Walsh for €6.3m in 2015. He also owns the Ard Rí Hotel, Walshs Bridge Inn & One The Waterfront.

Swissport, Dublin Airport
80+ Workers
No pay, no notice
Swissport achieved an operating EBITDA of €273.2m in 2018, an increase of 24.1 percent over the previous year.

Imperial Hotel, Cork
In 2018 Flynn Hotels has just finished a €3 million overhaul of Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny, while it was also funding the upgrade of 100 rooms in Cork.

Yellow Door, Portadown
50-60 Workers
Refused to give staff contracts or paid leave

Beannchor Group (The Dirty Onion and Yard Bird, The National, Bullitt, the Ulster Sports Club and the Park Avenue Hotel), Belfast
800 Workers
Operating profits at the hospitality group almost doubled during the year that ended on June 30, 2018, rising to £11.2 million while turnover increased 9% to £25.8 million. Headed by Bill Wolsey (OBE).

MLM Group, Newry (Marine Refurbishment)
300+ Workers
Founded by Brian McConville, it’s most recent accounts for 2018 showed a £17m pre tax profit on turnover of £100m.

Mallaghan Engineering Ltd, Dungannon
20-99 Workers
Its turnover in 2017 rose to more than £47 million and its bottom line profit almost doubled from £1.7 million to £3.2 million.

Square Bistro, Lisburn
40 Workers
Owned by Stephen Higginson. One of Lisburn’s most popular restaurant’s for over a decade.

The Westin, Dublin (Hospitality)
Zero hour contracts still in operation
Owned by global hotel giant Marriott International, which generated approximately $20.97bn in revenue in 2019. They also own the Ritz-Carlton, Sheraton, Shelbourne and Powerscourt Hotels. The Marriott family has a net worth of over $7bn.

Starbucks, Derry
No Notice
Starbucks makes profits of €4.5bn internationally.

Lifestyle Sports
Fired anyone who wasn’t a supervisor.
Online shop remains open, making money for shareholders.
Ireland’s largest sports retailer. Accumulated profits September 2018 totalled €30.37m. Directors’ pay at the Lifestyle Sports firm last year increased from €220,080 to €256,686.
CEO Mark Stafford also owns Campus Oil.

Odeon Group (4 Dame Lane, Odeon & Dakota), Dublin
Told two days before
Owned by Paul Keaveny & Derek Phillips. Odeon Bar currently looking into massive renovations.

Carraig Donn (Retail)
300+ Workers, told the night before
No paid leave offered
Estimated annual turnover €40m. Refused to take up the COVID-19 Refund Scheme.

Sport Ireland Campus Gym, Dublin 15
State subsidised
No paid leave

Department of Education, ROI
Irish sign language / English interpreters are receiving no paid leave while most other education staff are.

NolaClan Group (House Dublin, 37 Dawson Street, Xico, House Limerick, House Belfast, The Oak etc)
Staff told on the day
No paid leave
Alan Clancy, NolaClan’s founder, recently linked up with ‘super-rich’ developer Jerry Conlan (who had assistance from NAMA during the last crash) to fund its growth. Viztip, a company linked to Mr Conlan with US institutional backing, has invested about €3.5m for a share of NolaClan.

Power Gym & Mayson Hotel Gym, Dublin
4-10 Workers
Breach of 1 week notice clause in contract
Manager claims sacking is due to ‘not meeting necessary standards’
Owned/Operated by Matt Ryan & Paddy McKillen jnr of Press Up. Operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.

Clarks Intl (Retail)
All temp contract workers fired
Pressure from higher ups to do so
C&J Clark, with net assets of £322.5m, is worth £600m. Owner Lance Clark has a net worth of $247.5m.

Stella Theatre, Dublin
Told the day before
Owned/Operated by Paddy McKillen jnr’s Press Up group / Orsen Ltd, which made an operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.

Coastline Gaming (Atlantic Arcade – Waterford, Blackthorn Amusements – Donegal, Caesars – Galway, Empire Casino – Dublin, Sands Amusements – Donegal, Silver Strand – Wicklow, Sdtar – Donegal)
250 Workers
Told less than a day before
‘Multi million profits each week’ according to former staff.

Camden Court Hotel, Dublin
Dozens of staff with no warning
Kept paying ‘supervisors and friends of the owner’
Formerly owned by Donegal Fianna Fáil Councillor Seán McEniff, it’s now run by his son John.

Chapters Bookstore, Parnell St, Dublin
‘Fired all part time staff’
Didn’t even tell workers, each found out via group chats. Emails eventually sent days later.

Captain Americas, Bison bar & Clarance Hotel (Hospitality)
All staff except managers (Press Up’s PR has been in touch regarding this point at the Clarance, awaiting confirmation to update).
Owned/Operated by Paddy McKillen jnr’s Press Up group / Orsen Ltd, which made an operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.
Clarence Hotel owned by U2’s Bono and the Edge along with McKillen snr (jnr’s/Press Up’s property tycoon father).

Shockvoyce, Cork (Customer Service)
35 Workers
‘Suspicion is they wanted to make cuts and used the virus as an excuse’
Voxpro founders Dan and Linda Kiely aalso own Shockvoyce. Voxpro is the largest customer service business in Ireland & the UK. Its underlying profits soared by 168pc in 2015 to just over €3m in 2017.

The Grafton Hotel, Dublin
20 Workers
Emailed on the day of sacking
Owned by Eamon Waters, also the CEO of Panda Waste, he had Bord Pleanála reject his plan for windowless hotel rooms in 2018. €20m recently spent on refurbishments. Some Panda Waste staff also fired.

Superior Security, Monaghan
50-99 Workers
The company’s directors are Fiona Dullaghan & Padraig McEneaney and also own Orbit Security, Superior Broadband, Nightowl Security, Micad Security, Superior Castleguard, Ffm and 6 more businesses. McEneaney also owns Celtric Pure Water, which just finished up an €18m investment into the company.

BrewDog Outpost, Dublin
Founders James Watt and Martin Dickie own 17 bars across Ireland and the UK, plus a hotel in Scotland.

Ink Café, Dun Laoghaire

All workers told on the day of sacking
Owned by property services/operators, Apleona, with revenues of €2bn a year.

TGI Fridays

100s of Workers (Hospitality)
Refused to pay staff leave
The Butler Brothers’ Entertainment Enterprises also own Leisureplex & Starbucks Ireland, the latter of which paid zero corporation tax and makes profits of €4.5bn internationally.

The Old Music Shop and Castle Hotel, Dublin
20 Workers
Two days notice
The Castle Collection, owned by Fionn MacCumhaill, owns multiple hotels across Ireland & the UK. Last year he purchased a hotel in Scotland for over £2m.

Mercantile Group (Café en Seine, The Crafty Fox, The George, The Mercantile, NoLita, Opium, Pichet, Whelans), Dublin
330+ Workers (Hospitality & Office)
No sick leave
2017 trading profit of €5.1m. Owned by Michael Breslin, who made $100 million in construction, and massive US investors.

Royal Saint George Yacht Club, Dun Laoghaire (Hospitality)
5+ Workers
Zero hour contracts still in use
The head chef was ‘threatened’ by members when they tried to close the kitchen.

Workmans Club, Dublin (Hospitality)
12 Workers
Told two days beforehand
No sick pay
Owned/Operated by Paddy McKillen jnr’s Press Up group / Orsen Ltd, which made an operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.

KSG – Kylemore Services Group, UCC (Catering)
€1.7 million profit in 2019

Guinness/Diageo Drivers (Transport)
45 Workers
Told the night beforehand
In 2019, Diageo operation profit rose to €4.48bn.

National Pen, Dundalk (Manufacturing)
CEO Peter Kelly saw €4.8 million profit in 2019.

Codemove (Mobile Computing)
50 Workers

The Devlin, Ranelagh, Dublin (Hospitality)
60 Workers
Owned/Operated by Paddy McKillen jnr’s Press Up group / Orsen Ltd, which made an operating profit of €6.4 million in 2018, directors are on over €200k pa.

Doyle Collection (Dublin: The Westbury, The Croke Park. Cork: The River Lee) (Hospitality)
100+ Workers
No sick pay or paid leave
Doyle Hotels Ltd in 2018 made a pretax profit of €11.6 million. Owned by Bernie and John Gallagher, they live in a mansion in Blackrock in south Co Dublin and made €1.8bn during the 2000’s housing bubble.

West Coast Shipping, Dublin
200 Workers
Informed two days prior

Walled City Brewery, Derry
Staff found out via a Facebook post.
Unsure if they’ll see pay they’re owed.
Jill McKillop is Executive Chef Walled City Brewery and owner Grainola Goddess and James Huey from Walled City Brewery is Chair of the LegenDerry Food Network.

Porterhouse, Dublin (Hospitality)
15 Workers
Noyfield Ltd, which trades as Porterhouse Central Bar, recorded profits of €2.8 million in 2017. A sister company, Iskasinc Limited, which operates the Porterhouse Pub on Parliament Street near Temple Bar, reported profits of €2.66 million with accumulated profits rising to €4 million.

Fallon & Byrne, Dún Laoghaire & Exchequer St (Hospitality)

Ireland is internationally labeled as a corporate tax haven. Apple owes the 26 county state 13bn. These profits have been made by these tax breaks and now it’s the Irish people who again have to pick up the pieces as they fire their workers at the first opportunity. Last week 140,000 estimated jobs were lost. Why should public funds be used rather than the profits of millionares?

Workers, especially in Hospitality, must take this opportunity to correct wealth inequality and horrible working conditions. Join a union, stand up with fellow staff and demand a return to you job with the same (or improved) terms. Make sure your job can never simply discard you when they should be using their profits on your paid leave. You made those profits.

We believe the Irish State must take the following measures immediately:

1. All private hospitals, clinics and health providers to be taken under public ownership for usage in tackling the virus and treating those in need.

2. All payment of rent, mortgages, university fees, debt payments, services, subscriptions etc abolished between 16th of March and 16th of April.

3. All idle residential buildings to be appropriated and placed into public ownership for the housing of those in need.

4. Appropriate quarantines for most affected areas and implementation of social distancing in major urban areas.

6. Employers should pay regular wages of staff. Anyone that cannot should apply to the Labour Court and the state should assist where needed.

7. Abolish Ireland’s low corporate tax rate and demand unpaid taxes from US tech and pharma corporations.

8. All banks to be taken into public ownership in the face of the impending financial crisis.

9. Provision for those in emergency accommodation or sleeping on the street to be made either via clinics or appropriated residential buildings.

10. Full disclosure of business finances if they’ve attempted to fire staff during the emergency.



  • This article previously stated that Fallon & Byrne is controlled by Paul Byrne and Fiona McHugh. They have sold their shares in the company as reported by the Independent.
  • The Roost in Maynooth was reported to have fired staff, others got in touch and proved this was not the case. Apologies have been sent.
  • Press Up’s PR had been in touch to inform us that Fallon & Byrne have no connection to them.
  • We originally had a report published from workers at Paper Assist, Dublin (manufacturing/shipping). Owner Sean Rockett contacted us to assure staff would be returning at the same pay/conditions or receive redundancy.

57 thoughts on “Name & Shame – The Companies Who Fired Their Staff During a Pandemic *UPDATED 13.04*”

  1. Dublin Liberties Distillery / Quintessential Brands let all staff at their visitor centre go last week with no notice or payment . Then they put up a post on Instagram boasting that its business as usual at their manufacturing sites. No mention of course about the layoffs.

    Instagram : It’s business as usual for many of our colleagues in manufacturing at our sites in Ireland, France and the UK

  2. Leading Paint and decorating shop Albany Shanahan Paints has told staff that employment has been suspend from Easter and they will not be paid from the covid refund scheme available to the company. The staff work very hard and were very busy in the weeks since the corona virus struck.

  3. This needs to be called out for sure. However, I will not be lectured to by communist rabble. Just bums that cannot make their own way but uses the state to get their own destructive way. Bums

  4. Employers of smaller businesses under serious pressure, why would they keep staff when they cant pay them? Will employees care when some employers lose everything and have to close down??

  5. Lincoln Recruitment- let go of 14 people – have huge cash reserves – but didn’t want to dip into them

    Shay Dalton – owner

    Healthcare/ Accountancy / FS recruitment

  6. Gleesons spar Limerick fired everyone last a bit over a week ago who was on probation or if someones contract ended then they did not renew it. Everyone got less than 24hour notice

  7. Mcr groups mhi. Modern home Ireland and seen someone die on there site and they maked us work true it fcuking sticking

  8. Ira Ó Miadhacháin

    Corduff Discount Store – charging €8 for 100ml hand sanitiser!
    While every other shop that can remain open is doing their utmost to help out everyone, including allotted shopping times for the elderly, physically disabled and people in need, barred children from congregating both in and outside in Centra, Salveta’s our mainstay chipper for decades still open but deliveries only and serving through the hatch. Our local pharmacy working through their lunch and doing extended hours to ensure that prescription orders can be met. Yes is takes a bit longer to get served in any of the shops mentioned but so what, isn’t the sole fact that we get through this as a nation as painless and as quick as possible!

  9. Benny McCabe in Cork, owns about a dozen bars, brewery, Café. Multi million a year turnover.
    Staff received an email from management with a link to download and print Social Welfare emergency payment, no word or reassurances since.

  10. Pingback: The world of workers during the crisis… | The Cedar Lounge Revolution

  11. Its an absolute disgrace once again the rich and corrupt get to still live there high standard of living,while the working class and vunreable are left to suffer. Corrupt as fuck Ireland is a tax haven for the gangster.

  12. Were all staff in Carraig Donn fired or just told there was no pay till they opened again? A lot of praise going around for them for being one of the first to close.

    1. Completely inaccurate. As far as I’m aware, no one is on temporary employment. They’re availing of the government and HSE recommendations. They are also providing emergency dental appointments, working with staff to ensure they are taken care of in an industry which is at high risk due to covid-19

    2. Eagle eyed invester

      Voxpro is built on a deck of cards lot it’s parent company has lost 50 percent of its shares Telus.its rolling out 5G in Canada in partnership with a Chinese company banned in the u.s. voxpro already losing money will close grew to fast would not touch with a barge pole

  13. You realize that American companies employ over 160k workers in Ireland. If they accepted the 13 billion from Apple, they would all leave for cheaper labor

    1. So what? Take the sixteen billion….shell it out to the population by bank transfer evenly…. that’s a few grand for every man woman and child… And tell them to fuck off if they want to… Who gives a toss about apple? Good luck to them finding English speaking educated workers with EU access from India or Taiwan!

    2. The fact that they have to pay 12% tax I’m one thing buy apple are riding the situation and paying under 1% tax is a insult and not something to be ignored

  14. Great article! I am posting this week my case against REGUS Ireland, the landlord that rents out offices. I use the same service in other countries but Ireland is OUT OF CONTROL and that’s a multinational. They just treat us like animals, no human rights.

  15. This is very unsure information. Shame on you who wrote this. Where is the evidence? Absolutely no opportunity for Defense given to the companies. WHICH IS ILLEGAL!! Hopefully you will get prosecuted for this and learn a valuable lession!

  16. Richard O'Connor

    There have been no staff fired by the Royal St George Yacht Club, the Chef has not been threatened by anyone. The bar has been closed, the staff and members are exercising social isolation and the members and management are working with the staff to ensure continuity of payment despite all functions being cancelled for the foreseeable future.

  17. You can put Electric Ireland too for treating bad their door to door sellers. They didn’t want to take responsibility for keeping the staff at home, though contractor… refusal to pay your contractor means they can’t afford to pay their staff, work or not.

  18. I work for the Mercantile… We were not fired. True, we are not getting sick leave, but that’s because we are availing of the government COVID-19 Pandemic pay scheme

  19. I think that is a disgrace shame on the lot of them greedy shower the most money that million hire have the more they want it is a disgraceful how they can get away with this and everything else money talk

    1. I’m sorrrry but
      It is extreme times
      I’ve just been let go
      But how can you expect companies to pay salaries when no revenue coming in
      Look at tge bigger picture
      These companies need to survive as do we as employees
      But naming and shaming is ridiculous and immature
      What are you gaining from it
      These are exceptional times and no one could have foreseen this
      Remember some companies make huge money
      And fair enough
      But also huge over heads
      This is really not the time to be throwing stones in my opinion

      1. How are you?
        Although I agree with you in many points, you missed the previous year’s profit. Where is that now? All paid to shareholders and management.
        Also, in most cases the management’s one month’s salary would cover 1-3 months’ salary of the fired employees. If these already rich people really loved their companies, it would be a small sacrifice from them to save many lives.

  20. Brendan mcdonald

    I work for one of the companies you mentioned. And I personally belive you are peddling bs with little to no supporting evidence.

  21. Happy Pear – all shop/cafe workers let go. Advised to go on Job Seekers.
    Factory workers given preliminary notice they may be let go in coming weeks.
    So much for a community business

  22. I disagree with this article completely!! Companies have had to close for the time being so that they will have money to reopen. If there is no money coming in they cannot afford to pay employees. That’s business. If people want jobs when this is all over it’s a necessary step to take as a company!

  23. Avis Budget car hire Belfast airports (Flynn Bros) terminated numerous contracts and used petty excuses leaving some ex staff unable to pay bills in a crisis

    1. I like your recommendations about what we should do:but you missed out on the main result as to the cause of this crisis ,which is the free movement of unvetted illegal migrants into Europe,and the replacement of the indengenious people of those countries.Stop it now and deport each and everyone of those scumbags.

      1. In Italy two Chinese tourists….there perfectly legally, and traveling the northern lakes were the vector for infection. These two tourists managed to spend a bit of money…but seemingly didn’t in fact replace the indigenous population of lombardy…funny that right? I’d be pretty sure your knowledge of epidemiology is lacking somewhat, so I think we can probably ignore your racist rant.

  24. This “naming and shaming” craic is misguided, idiotic, and down-right irresponsible at a time of crisis. You are absolutely clueless.

    CYM should be the ones who are ashamed. This is actually outrageous.

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